The Redbelly Water Snake is a subspecies of a species of non venomous
water snakes generally known as Plainbelly Water Snakes. Plainbelly
Water Snakes are found in the southern United States from Delaware to
Texas, excepting peninsular Florida. Adults are typically 3 to 4 feet in
length. Plainbelly Water Snakes, as the name implies, have bellies that
lack dark markings typical of the other non-venomous water snakes. These
snakes are born with strong dorsal patterns that usually darken with age
and become obscure. Plainbelly Watersnakes are very active and quick.
They often can be found well away from water and can make rapid dashes
across open areas. When cornered, they will flatten their heads and
bodies. The flattened head has a very arrowhead shape.
Snake- The ground color of this small snake is gray-brown, gray
or black with 3 light spots on the nape of the neck. Except in the very
darkest specimens there are 4 stripes along the back, slightly darker
than the ground color. Occasionally a person may see a specimen that is
almost completely black. As its name declares, the Northern Red-Bellied
Snake's belly is red or red-orange. This under-color is uniform and
unmarked. Red bellied snakes are found from Nova Scotia to central
Florida. This snake eats insects, slugs, earthworms. Redbellied Snakes
are secretive and not often seen by the casual observer. Individuals are
known to hide under boards and stones, and inside rotten logs. In some
local areas the Northern Red-Bellied Snake may be rather common, while
in other areas that seem to have the proper habitat it may be totally
and predatory mammals feed on this snake as they do on many other small
Scarlet Snakes are small constricting snakes similar to the kingsnakes.
They are smooth scaled and colorfully marked. Adult size is considered
to be in the range of 14 to 20 inches. Scarlet Snakes are considered to
be mimics of the venomous
Coral Snake. Scarlet Snakes have plain whithish or yellowish bellies
and a red snout instead of a black one, thus, are easily distinguishable
from the Coral Snakes. Scarlet snakes do not have the same color pattern
as the deadly coral snake (red on yellow, kill a fellow). The scarlet
snake likes to burrow and can sometimes be found under trash piles or
logs. The scarlet snake is very docile and makes no attempt to bite when
Tailed Snake- The Short-tailed Snake is the rarest snake
species in eastern North America. Few have ever seen this 18"
constrictor that apparently occurs only in
scrub and sandhills habitats in central Florida. Short-tailed snakes
are smooth-scaled, shiny and very slender. They really do have a short
tail compared to other snakes. This small snake is usually gray, with
dark blotches along its back and sides. The short-tailed snake is
thought to be related to the kingsnakes. Short-tailed snakes are
burrowers that spend most of their time under ground, but most specimens
(fewer than 200 are known to science) have been found crawling on the
surface, usually in autumn. Short tailed snakes seem to eat nothing
except the black-headed crowned snakes.
Earth Snake-
The Smooth Earth Snake is a small, only 7-10 inches, somewhat
heavy-bodied, brown to gray snake with smooth scales and a pointed snout
. Most individuals have small black spots scattered on the back and
sides. The belly is tan to whitish and is not sharply defined in color
from the color of the sides. This species can be found in scattered
locations throughout the eastern and central United States. Smooth Earth
Snakes are fossorial (live underground) and are most often found hiding
beneath logs, leaf litter, or other debris. They feed on earthworms and
soft-bodied insects. This species is viviparous, giving live birth to as
many as 14 live young in the late summer.
Ringneck Snake- Averaging 6-10 inches in length, the Southern
Ringneck Snake is small and slender-bodied with a black body and yellow,
cream, or orange ring across the neck. The belly is bright yellow,
orange, or red with a single row of half-moon spots down the center.
This snake is found throughout Florida and the upper Florida keys,
excluding the lower keys. Outside of Florida, it is found throughout the
southeastern United States from Alabama to southern New Jersey. The
southern ringneck snake is a terrestrial burrower, frequently found in
or underneath logs or other debris. It feeds on small earthworms, slugs,
frogs, anoles,
geckos, skinks,
snakes, and salamanders.