(Rana capito) SSC- Alligators occur from southeast Oklahoma and east Texas
on the western side of their range to North
and Florida
in the east. They prefer fresh water lakes and slow-moving rivers and
their associated wetlands, but they also can be found in brackish water
habitats. American Alligators are an elongated reptile with muscular
flat tail and long, round shovel-shaped snout, with armored skin on
their back. Roughly one million alligators live in Florida. The average
clutch size of an alligator nest is 35. From this, an estimated 15 live
hatchlings will emerge. Only 6 alligator hatchlings will live to one
year. Of these yearlings, 5 will become sub-adults (reach 4 feet in
length). The number of sub-adults that reach maturity (6 feet in length)
is approximately 4. After nearing extinction in some areas 30 years ago,
the American Alligator has recovered significantly. Protection of
wetlands and strict penalties for poaching have helped. The alligator
retains its protected status due to its close resemblance to the
(Crocodylus acutus) Endangered- American crocodiles live in
coastal areas throughout the Caribbean, and occur at the northern end of
their range in south Florida. They live in brackish or saltwater
areas, and can be found in ponds, coves, and creeks in
mangrove swamps. Unlike the
American Alligator, the American Crocodile has a narrow snout, and both
upper and lower teeth are exposed on the crocodile when his mouth is
closed. American crocodiles are more of a grayish green in color, while
alligators are a darker black. Crocodiles can be seen sunning with their
mouths open, or “gaping.” This behavior is related to regulating their
body temperature, and does not mean that the crocodile is acting
aggressively toward people. The American crocodile is so rare and shy of
man that conflict with people rarely occurs. Crocodiles eat almost
anything that moves and some things that do not, and the bigger the
crocodiles, the bigger their prey. Hatchlings and young crocodiles eat
small fish, snails, crustaceans, and insects. Adult crocodiles feed at
night on schooling fish, crabs,
turtles, snakes, and
small mammals. Large crocodilians can crush turtles and prey upon
deer and other unwary large mammals near
the edge of water.
Ringneck Snake
(Diadophis punctatus acricus) Threatened- The Key Ringneck snake is a
non-venomous snake found only on the lower keys including Big Pine,
Little Torch, and Middle Torch. It is not found outside of Florida. Due
to its very small range it is listed as a threatened species in the
state of Florida. The Key Ringneck's habitat consist of pinelands,
tropical hardwood hammocks, and around limestone outcroppings. The
average adult size is six inches long. Adults are small and
slender-bodied with a slate gray body. Unlike other ringneck snakes, the
ring normally present around the neck is indistinct or completely
absent. The belly is bright yellow, fading to orange-red beneath the
tail. There is a single row of half-moon spots down the center on the
Indigo Snake
(Drymarchon corais couperi) Threatened- The Eastern Indigo Snake is
found throughout Florida and southeast Georgia. Indigos, are non
venomous snakes that are widespread throughout the state, but nowhere
are they abundant. They occur in
hardwood forests, moist hammocks,
pine flatwoods,
prairies, and around cypress ponds. Because it seeks refuge in gopher
tortoise burrows, along with diamondback rattlesnakes and many other
organisms, in some parts of Florida the indigo is called the 'gopher
snake'. The Eastern Indigo snake is a long snake, averaging from 60-74
inches but the record length is 103 inches long! Adults are large and
thick bodied. The body is glossy black and in sunlight has iridescent
blue highlights. The chin and throat is reddish or white, and the color
may extend down the body. The belly is cloudy orange and blue-gray.
Rat Snake
(Elaphe guttata) SSC- The red rat snake, often called the corn snake is
a colorful non venomous snake found in the Florida peninsula. The corn
snake is primarily active at night. It is both a terrestrial borrower
and extremely good climber. It is found under rocks and logs, and in
trees under bark and within palm fronds. Adults are usually 18-44 inches
long but have been recorded as long as 72 inches. Red rat snakes are
orangish-brown with black bordered orange, red, or brownish blotches.
The belly usually is a black and white checkerboard pattern, though
orange may also be present. The underside of the tail has 2 black
stripes. There is a spear-shaped pattern on the head and neck.