bass (Morone saxatilis) The striper is the largest
member of the temperate bass family. Body coloration is olive-green to
blue-gray on the back with silvery to brassy sides and white on the
belly. It is easily recognized by the seven or eight prominent black
uninterrupted horizontal stripes along the sides. The stripes are often
interrupted or broken and are usually absent on young fish of less than
six inches. The striper is longer and sleeker and has a larger head than
its close and similar looking relative, the white bass, which rarely
exceeds three pounds. There are no recognized subspecies, but other
common names for the striper fish include striper, rockfish, rock, and
The striper on the Atlantic Coast has a range from the Gulf of St.
Lawrence, N.Y. to the St. Johns River in northern Florida and in the
Gulf of Mexico from western Florida to Louisiana. All Florida
populations of striped bass are river dwellers rather than anadromous
(normally living in salt or brackish waters, but entering freshwater
streams to spawn). The species has been widely introduced in numerous
lakes, rivers and impoundments throughout the world. Stripers prefer
relatively clear water with a good supply of open-water baitfish. Their
preferred water temperature range is 65 to 70 degrees.
Stripers are voracious feeders and consume any kind of small
fish and a variety of invertebrates. Preferred foods for adults mainly
consist of gizzard and threadfin shad, golden shiners and minnows.
Younger fish prefer to feed on amphipods and mayflies. Very small
stripers feed on zooplankton. Like other temperate bass, they move in
schools, and all members of the school tend to feed at the same time.
Heaviest feeding is in early morning and in evening, but they feed
sporadically throughout the day, especially when skies are overcast.
Feeding slows when water temperatures drop below 50 degrees but does not
stop completely.
Stripers are fast-growing and long-lived and have reached weights of
over 40 pounds in Florida. Sexual maturity occurs at about two years of
age for male stripers and at four years of age for females. They can
reach a size of 10 to 12 inches the first year.
The striper tends to be an underrated trophy sport fish among many
Florida anglers. However, for fishermen who have caught this species
there is no disputing the striper is a superstar among freshwater
fishes. Live shad and eels are excellent baits for catching big
stripers. Other popular baits include white or yellow bucktail jigs,
spoons, deep running crank baits and a spinner with plastic worm rig.
Popping plugs are best when stripers are schooling at the surface. The
state record catch for the striped bass 42 pounds, 4 ounces, caught in
the Apalachicola River, in 1993.
(M. chrysops x M. saxatilis) The sunshine bass is a
hybrid produced by crossing a female white bass with a male striped
bass. Sunshines closely resemble both striped bass and white bass making
identification difficult, particularly for young fish. When comparing
adult fish, the sunshine has a deep body and an arched back similar to
the white bass. Sunshines can often be distinguished by broken or
irregular stripes on the front half of body and straight lines on the
rear half of body. A mid-body break in line pattern occasionally occurs.
Sunshines are stocked throughout Florida. The largest fish are from
northwest Florida, but sunshine bass have produced fisheries as far
south as Lake Osborne in West Palm Beach. Sunshines appear to prefer
areas within lakes and rivers similar to striped bass and white bass.
Older sunshine bass require cooler water during summer months. Like
stripers, sunshines are voracious feeders and consume any kind of small
fish including threadfin and gizzard shad. Young fish also feed on
mayflies and crustaceans. Sunshines also travel and feed in schools with
peak activity in the early morning or evening. Sunshines are probably
best known for their rapid growth. They have attained weights of six to
seven pounds by three years of age. As a sport fish, sunshines are known
for their good fighting ability. Live threadfin or other small shad and
shrimp are by far the most effective bait for sunshine bass. Artificial
lures such as crankbaits, bucktail or feathered jigs, spinners and
spoons also do well. Topwater lures also are effective when fish are
schooling near the surface. Trolling with artificial lures often helps
locate fish when surface feeding is slow.
Bass (Morone chrysops) The white bass looks similar to
a shortened version of its larger relative, the striped bass. It is
silvery-white overall with five to eight horizontal dusky black stripes
along the sides. Stripes below the lateral line are faint and often
broken in an irregular pattern. It differs most noticeably in being
shorter and stockier with a smaller head, and the dorsal fins are set
closer together. The white bass has a deep body, and is strongly arched
behind head. White bass general boundaries are the St. Lawrence River in
the east, Lake Winnipeg in the north, the Rio Grande in the west; and
northwest Florida and Louisiana in the south. It has been stocked within
and outside its natural range. In Florida, white bass are found
primarily in the Apalachicola and Ochlockonee river systems, however
rare specimens have been located in the Escambia and Yellow rivers.
White bass are found in large lakes and streams connected to major river
systems and in rivers with moderate current. They prefer clear water
with a temperature range of 65 to 75 degrees. Man-made impoundments have
greatly favored the white bass, but the species is one that can become
overabundant and stunt. White bass are primarily piscivorous. Fry feed
on zooplankton first and within a few weeks larger crustaceans and
insects are eaten. Larger fish prefer to feed on minnows and thrive on
open- water baitfish like gizzard and threadfin shad. Like the striper,
white bass move in schools and feed most heavily around dawn or dusk.
Although white bass may live up to 10 years, few live beyond three to
four years. Females grow slightly faster and probably live longer than
males. The average size is one pound with fish over two pounds
considered large. |