Crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) The black crappie is
a silvery-green to yellowish fish with large dorsal and anal fins of
almost identical shape and size. The sides are marked with black
blotches which become more intense towards the back. The dorsal, anal,
and caudal fins also are marked with rows of dark spots. Crappies have
compressed bodies, small heads and arched backs. It has a large mouth
with an upper jaw extending under the eye. Found statewide except in the
Florida Keys, black crappies thrive in clear, natural lakes and
reservoirs with moderate vegetation. They are also found in large
slow-moving less turbid rivers, provided the water is not too murky.
Crappies prefer water from 70 to 75 degrees but will tolerate water over
80 degrees. It is gregarious and often travels in schools. Adults mainly
eat small fish, particularly open-water forage fish, like threadfin
shad. The oldest crappie aged in Florida, to date, has been 11 years
(Lepomis macrochirus) Bluegills have small
mouths and oval-shaped, almost rounded, bodies. Body coloration is
highly variable with size, sex, spawning, water color, bottom type, and
amount of cover. In general, bluegill are somewhat lavender and bronze
with about six dark bars on their sides. Males tend to have a
copper-colored bar over the top of the head behind the eyes. The breast
is silver to slightly blue most of the year, with some yellow or orange
during spawning season. Females are generally lighter colored than
males. Two distinctive characteristics of the bluegill are the prominent
black spot on the rear edge of the gill-cover and a black spot at the
base of the posterior portion of the dorsal fin. Found naturally
throughout Florida, bluegills prefer the quiet, weedy waters where they
can hide and feed. They inhabit lakes and ponds, slow-flowing rivers and
streams with sand, mud, or gravel bottoms, near aquatic vegetation.
Insects, insect larvae and crustaceans are the dominant foods of
bluegills, with vegetation, fish eggs, small fish, mollusks, and snails
being of secondary importance, although they may dominate their diet
during certain times of the year. A six-inch bluegill in Florida is
typically two to four years old.
(Centrarchus macropterus) The flier is a small sunfish that has
a strongly compressed, deep, round body and small mouth. The coloration
is greenish or silver green to brown on back and sides with a cream or
yellowish belly with a brown dot on each scale giving the appearance of
numerous rows of dots. Young fish have a large black spot surrounded by
bright orange in the soft rays of the dorsal fin. A dark vertical streak
is present below the eye and extends to the lower edge of the operculum.
The dorsal and anal fins are nearly symmetrical. Fliers range from the
northern part of the state southward to central Florida. They inhabit
dark, acidic waters of coastal swamps, creeks, ponds, and canals. They
prefer heavily vegetated water and are often found under mats of
floating vegetation. Fliers can tolerate waters too acidic for other
sunfish. They prefer water temperatures from 75 to 85 degrees. Fliers
are carnivorous in their feeding habits. They prefer insects,
crustaceans, mollusks, worms, leeches, and small fish are supplemented
with small quantities of phytoplankton.
Sunfish(Lepomis auritus) The redbreast is one
of the brightest colored sunfishes. Males have yellow, orange or red
breast, olive upper sides, blending into blue-tinged bronze on the lower
sides and blue streaks on the cheek. Females are less colorful; their
breasts are yellowish or pale red. The most distinguishing
characteristic of the redbreast is a long, narrow (no wider than the
eye) extension of the gill cover. These flaps, which may reach a length
of one inch or more, are entirely black. The redbreast is found
throughout central and northern Florida. It is the most dominant sunfish
in such streams as the Oklawaha, Ochlockonee, Suwannee, and Santa Fe
rivers. They frequently concentrate around boulders, limestone
outcroppings, logs, aquatic vegetation, or in undercut tree roots. The
redbreast's diet is probably the most varied of any of the sunfishes.
Principal food organisms are bottom-dwelling insect larvae, snails,
clams, shrimp, crayfish, and small fish.
Sunfish (Lepomis microlophus) The redear is
similar in shape to the bluegill, but lacks the dark spot at the base of
the posterior portion of the dorsal fin and has a red or orange border
around the "ear" flap. The body coloration is light olive-green to gold,
with red or orange flecks on the breast. The breast of a mature redear
is typically a rather bright yellow. The body is heavily spotted and
they have long, pointed pectoral fins. Five to 10 vertical bars are more
or less evident on the sides, depending on the size of the fish. Males
and females are similar in appearance, although the male is generally
more colorful. Found throughout Florida and the southeastern United
States, redear sunfish are also one of the dominant sport fish in the
vast Everglades marshes. Redear are found in almost every freshwater
aquatic system in Florida. They are typically found on sandy or
shell-covered areas of ponds and lakes, and are often located near
grasses. They tolerate brackish water better than other sunfish. Like
black bass and spotted sunfish, they may be abundant in tidal areas near
the mouths of rivers. Redears are opportunistic bottom feeders, foraging
mainly during daylight hours on a variety of invertebrates. Important
food items include snails and clams which are crushed by grinding teeth
in the throat; larval insects, fish eggs, small fish, and crustaceans.
Sunfish (Lepomis punctatus) Spotted sunfish, also
called stumpknockers, tend to be olive-green to brown in color, with
black or reddish spots on the base of each scale to form rows of dots on
its sides. On some fish there is a red bar in front of many of the black
spots, particularly below the lateral line. These bars give the fish a
reddish hue. Body shape is thick and ovate, with the length about twice
the depth. Some fish have blue on the lower portion of the eye. Spotted
sunfish are found throughout the Florida peninsula and west to the
Perdido River. The preferred habitat of the spotted sunfish is
slow-moving, heavily vegetated streams and rivers with limestone, sand,
or gravel substrates. They are virtually ubiquitous inhabiting large
rivers to very small creeks. Spotted sunfish are very aggressive and
will take almost anything they can attack and catch. They generally feed
on the bottom, but sometimes it will rise to the surface to take food.
Spotted sunfish will feed on invertebrates, insects and small fishes
when they are easy to catch. |